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Wednesday, August 8, 2018

First Ever Cold Process Soap!

My First Cold Process Soap Making day!! Using using Fresh Cut Roses from Nature's Garden! Sit back, relax and watch as I succeed or fail. Either way we are doing this together! 


I will tell you, I am very excited but extremely nervous. I really do not want to fail but it is part of the journey and we all learn from our mistakes.

Watch the video of my first batch here

All of my ingredients are weighed and ready to go I thought about doing a plain soap at first but hey I am daring and that would be boring so I will be adding mica and fragrance oil to this batch.

Goggles on ✔️
Gloves on ✔️
Anxiety ✔️


So I may have made a mess but I will say it was so worth it! It is not as pretty as I had hoped but not bad for a first timer :) Hopefully next time I will keep my work area a little cleaner, the mess drove me crazy.

So here is my first ever cold process soap. What do you think? I will claim this a success. I can't wait to cu it tomorrow and see how it looks!! I used Mad Mica's Angry Rose and Love Bite mica's and they are beautiful!

UPDATED: Here are my first cut bars. I am so happy that they came out nice for a beginner.  I can't wait to try a second batch!

You can follow my journey here and on Facebook and watch as I learn.

Have a great day and see ya next time!

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