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Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Bayberry Cold Process Soap

Bayberry Cold Process Soap is a nice blend of fir and balsam with a hint of nutmeg. It smells wonderful and the added gold makes this such a beautiful soap!

This Bayberry Soap came out so much better than I expected. I had a lot of issues with this one as you will see in the video below. The Bayberry fragrance oil from Nature's Garden accelerated trace and the soap batter thickened up so fast! 

I thought for sure this soap would be a mess. It is hard to get a nice swirl inside when it it super thick. I couldn't really pour it in the mold I kind of had to scoop it in. You will see my struggle in the video below. I will admit that I did panic a little and worked pretty fast.




Did you enjoy watching that struggle? LOL This was the first time I had a fragrance accelerate my batch of soap and to be honest I hope it doesn't happen again.


It went in the mold just fine even though it was pretty thick. I did manage to get a nice swirl on top as well as inside the soap. Now the soap I set aside for the piping, that was a different story!

The soap frosting got really thick in the piping bag, it was actually really hard to squeeze out and onto the soap. The leaves look a little wonky but overall it isn't too bad. It is a Christmas Soap and the leaves and berries just add a little to it.

Although my piping skills are not the greatest I wanted some leaves and berries on the top of this one and as you can see, it really came out nicely!

I did end up with some soda ash on top but it doesn't hurt the soap and it still looks beautiful.


The inside really surprised me, I expected a mess but look at the pictures of the fresh cut! They are beautiful! The King Tut mica from Mad Micas actually shows a shimmer in the soap as it cures. I have never seen a mica do this before, it usually loses that shimmer inside.

What do you think about this Bayberry Cold Process Soap? Is it a win or a fail? I always read reviews about the fragrance oils so I can be prepared for any issues. There were no reviews for soap making on this one. If you do decide to use it, it is an absolutely beautiful scent.


So what I thought would be a disaster came out quite nicely! I am really surprised that I absolutely love this one! 

Here are some of our other soaps you might like


Want to make your own soap? Here are the supplies I use:

Kitchen Scale   
Soap Mold
Hanger Swirl Tool
Stick Blender
Pourable Bowls

My Soap Ingredients:

Olive Oil 

What do you think? Leave a comment below and let me know.


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Have a great day and see ya next time!

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  **My posts may contain affiliate links. If you buy something through one of those links, you won't pay a penny more, but we will receive a small commission, which helps us to continue making beautiful soap!**

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